Monday, March 2, 2009

Suddenly Penetrated by Unexpected Joy ...

Sunday evening, March 8, we have our second conversation on The Shack. Read Pages 29-32, and you might want to review Chapters 3 & 4 as well.

We will spend part of the evening talking about a line on Page 65 - "Life would never be normal again, not that any time is really ever normal. It would be so empty without his Missy."

What's your definition of "normal"? Do you ever worry about anything in particular happening that would make you feel as Mack did after the abduction & murder of Missy? If you haven't had the experience yourself, perhaps you know of someone whose life was completely upended by some tragedy?

But what we really want to get to on Sunday evening is Mack going to the Shack - some things to think about:
  1. Would you have taken the gun? What might the "gun" represent?
  2. Do you ever hedge your bets when it comes to your faith in God?
  3. The questions Mack asks on page 78 - Have they already been asked elsewhere in the story? (There is a correct answer to this question, Jennifer!)
  4. Have you ever given advice to someone, knowing full well that you would not follow it yourself?
  5. What is the nature of a "spiritual experience"? (Page 81.) How do we discern the difference between psychosis and spiritual experience?
  6. Can you think of any more beautiful words, when spoken from the heart, than these: "My, my, my how I do love you!"?
How important is the "set-up" - how necessary is it - in order for us to come to a deep, inescapable experience of the divine?

Feel free to begin the conversation by sharing any comments you may have. I look forward to our conversation on Sunday evening! God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Your last question this evening about a lead-up to one's spiritual experience brought a thought to mind. For me, it is when I realize I have come to "the end of myself" that I place my situation in God's hands. This opens the door for the revelation, insight or however God speaks to me. It may not be and adverse time in my life that brings me to the end of myself but the realization that I want Jesus/God to be at the center. this seems to be when I open the door.
